According to many different beliefs, the black obsidian has strong characteristics that make it a unique stone. The kind that you just need to have. Why? Many people believe the black obsidian stone has healing properties. In fact, many cultures used to use black obsidian polished mirrors and black obsidian crystal balls for healing purposes. These cultures believed that when you know how to use them, you can use the black obsidian stones to produce a powerful transformation. They believed this had something to do with its volcanic origin along with its smoothest, not forgetting about the highly reflective black color.


   In the Middle Ages, for example, the black obsidian was used to ward off demons. Since the stone is formed from volcanic eruptions cools and is immediately submerged in water, it doesn't even have the time to crystallize. So, during this period, it was used as a grounding stone.


   The black obsidian stone is also known as the stone of truth. Many people believe it has the power to reveal mysteries and secrets. However, these can be overwhelming. Somehow, when you have the perfect black obsidian stone, this will act as a light that reveals what is blocking someone or some situation.


   But this is not the only reason why the black obsidian stone is so famous about. Many people around the world believe this stone can act as a protector. It has the ability to protect you from the surrounding as well as it can draw in negative energy. This is one of the reasons why it is worn by so many travelers since it protects them during the night.

   The black obsidian has so many beliefs built around it that it is even hard to mention them all. This stone is usually connected to both the physical as well as mental well-being. In what concerns to the physical it is believed that the black obsidian can ease cramps, help joint problems, and even reduce the arthritis pain. It is also recognized for its ability to detoxify your body aiding the digestion as well as it can harden arteries, decrease food cravings, and accelerate the healing of the wounds. In what concerns with your mental well-being, this powerful stone can help you during the times when you're feeling more depressed or in grief.


   And this is why we are saying that you just need this kind of bracelets or necklaces - the ones that include this stone. Whenever you are wearing it - either on a bracelet, ring, necklace, among others, the stone will act as a shield from all the negative sources that are around you and it will also help you clear your mind of distractions and fears.


   According to most Feng Shui lovers, the black obsidian stone also has very interesting properties that make it one of the most precious stones for them. According to them, this stone can be an excellent cure when you are dealing with problems with your career and path because it will help clear the obstacles.


   One of the things that you really need to do when you are using the black obsidian stones either on your jewelry or at home is to cleanse them regularly. Since they attract the negative energies, you need to take good care of them and never neglect them.